
How to properly maintain your Kitchen Cabinets

August 1, 2022

So the remodeling team has finally installed your stunning new kitchen. It’s even better than you expected as your dull, tired kitchen has been beautifully transformed beyond your wildest dreams.

The question that you face now is; how do I keep my stunning kitchen cabinets looking like they are fresh out of the showroom?

Looking after your cabinets yields the best results when you develop the right habits from the very beginning.

Frequent maintenance and consistent care will help ensure that these hard-earned improvements to your home keep looking great for years to come. 

A newly refurbished kitchen by Highland Cabinetry Co

As time progresses, a busy family kitchen sees lots of use which creates a deteriorating, dull, sticky film on even the nicest cabinetry.

This is the result of the combination of the countless different ingredients used in our kitchens as they are fried, boiled and cooked. Ensuring you use an extractor fan whenever appropriate is the easiest way to protect your cabinets from these airborne attackers. You should also ensure that your extractor fan is as clean as possible with regular cleanings. 

This is the result of the combination of the countless different ingredients used in our kitchens as they are fried, boiled and cooked. Ensuring you use an extractor fan whenever appropriate is the easiest way to protect your cabinets from these airborne attackers. You should also ensure that your extractor fan is as clean as possible with regular cleanings. 

A person cleaning their kitchen hob.

You should also avoid unnecessarily extreme heat and ensure you dry up any excess water when possible. Exposure to these forces can cause discoloration, frayed edges and staining so you must be aware of these.

Never use abrasive cleaning pads to clean your cabinet or use any sharp objects to try to scratch off any imperfections. These methods of care often cause irreparable scratches and deep nicks. 

Chemicals such as acetone, ammonia, and bleach should never be used as they can cause permanent damage to your cabinets. Gel Cleaners are often usually best left alone as well.

Generally speaking, you should try and clean your cabinets properly twice a month. This should be enough to preserve and maintain your new cabinetry for years to come. 

A person wearing rubber gloves and holding a bucket of cleaning products.

Inspired by our expertise in all things cabinets? Check out our full range of stylish cabinetry here and our full range of cabinetry here.

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